Projects in Motion Ltd. (PiM) is a multidisciplinary research organisation and cluster platform based in Malta that undertakes EU-funded collaborative projects which cover innovative issues related to information communication technologies (ICT), sustainable energy and social issues. We literally re-align our organizational strategy and design in a way that supports sustainable innovation and the task at hand.
We recognise that developing a commercially viable new service or product takes more than just a good idea. It involves innovative industrial design, engineering, manufacturing and expert input from a number of other professional fields. PiM blends traditional and innovative methodologies to identify breakthrough opportunities, develop growth strategies and consumer-inspired new products.
PIM's aims in the renewable energy sector are to increase knowledge on sustainable development & energy solutions, and to help develop awareness through local initiatives for the intelligent use and conservation of energy requirements. Projects in Motion is currently undertaking R&D on the integration of 'Concentrated Solar Power' in novel applications like CHP, desalination and solar cooling.
We also conduct research and continuous monitoring of social and cultural trends in Malta that combine robust qualitative and quantitative methods with innovative analysis and thinking, and undertake dissemination actions and structured dialogue on a wide range of social topics. We also focus on other issues and topics simply because we find them important and interesting; and because we can.